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Swim Lessons

2025 Registration begins May 1st 8:00 am

Welcome to Heise Swim Lessons

Thank you for you interest in our Swim Lesson Program. We look forward to seeing you all and are excited for the Summer 2024 lessons to begin. 

  1. Lessons run one week Monday- Friday. Classes start every half hour between 8am and 1pm. Leveling adjustments and passing off items will happen daily. 

  2. It's recommended that you do the registration on a PC Computer or Laptop for best experience.     

  3. On the last day we give each child a 3 ride pass to use on the slide for after lessons. We know a lot of kids look forward to being able to ride the slide and we do not want them to miss out.                                              
  4. When your child is in lessons we allow them to swim at the warm pool directly after their lesson for free. If they would like to use the Big Pool as well it cost just $1 per child. Children under 8 year old must have a paid adult with them in the water. Practicing is an important part of the kids getting better. We encourage parent to take advantage of this opportunity.                                                                                                                               
  5. All of our lessons will  be 2 kids per class. We are proud to be one of the only facilities that offer this. We have had great success at getting amazing results with class sizes so small.                                                 
  6. You asked that we make some changes on our completion certificates. We are happy to announce that we heard you and have done just that. We have always followed the Red Cross swimming program, but have used our own certificates in the past. We will now be offering you the Red Cross certificates.                        
  7. On our swim Lesson page, on our website, we have included links to what is taught in each level so that you are aware of what skill are being taught. We hope this will answer a lot of the questions you all have regarding this.                                                                                                      
  8. On May 1st at 8am swim lesson registration will begin. After you have selected you preferred session and started registration it will hold your spot and give you 10 minutes to complete the registration process. If you take more than the alotted time the spot will be added back into our inventory to be offered to another family. Also, if you are registering more than one child I will make sure their lessons are at the same time. 

Again, we are grateful for your patronage and look forward to another fun and exciting year with you at Heise.

Angela Reed

Heise Swim School Coordinator


 Semi-Private Lessons

$65.00 Per Child (2 students per class)

Students must be 3 years or older to register


Monday - Friday between 8:00am - 1:00 pm

*You will be notified of time one month before your lesson begins

More Information for Parents:

If the session you want is full, please sign up for the waitlist for that session and we will be in contact as soon as a spot has opened up.